Asugarudo: waikyoku no test

Asugarudo: waikyoku no test

The film “The Disaster Artist” is a 2017 comedy drama directed by James Franco. The film tells the true story behind the making of “The Room,” considered one of the worst films ever made.

The protagonist of the film is Tommy Wiseau, played by James Franco, an actor and director of mysterious origins who decides to make a film after meeting his friend Greg Sestero, played by Dave Franco. Together, the two embark on an adventure in the world of independent cinema that will lead them to make "The Room", a film that will become famous for its incredible mediocrity.

The film “The Disaster Artist” was received positively by critics, especially for James Franco's performance in the role of Tommy Wiseau. The film offers a funny and touching behind-the-scenes look at the making of a film and the unlikely friendship between Wiseau and Sestero.

On IMDb, the film received a score of 7.4/10, based on user ratings. Reviews from critics and viewers praise Franco's ability to capture the essence of Wiseau and his fragile ambition in making a film that has become a cult classic over the years.

If you are a movie buff or simply want to see the story behind one of the most legendary films for all the wrong reasons, “The Disaster Artist” is definitely a film not to be missed.

In conclusion, “The Disaster Artist” is an entertaining and well-made film that offers a unique behind-the-scenes look at the world of cinema. Its compelling story and top-notch performances make it a must-see for indie film lovers and anyone fascinated by the story of “The Room.”

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Gianluigi Piludu

Author of articles, illustrator and graphic designer of the website

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