KEPYR launches the fifth annual "Kindred Spirits" campaign to assist UNICEF refugee children

KEPYR launches the fifth annual "Kindred Spirits" campaign to assist UNICEF refugee children

Kids Entertainment Professionals for Young Refugees (KEPYR), the grassroots organization of children and family entertainment professionals, announced on May 20 the launch of Kindred Spirits' fifth annual online fundraising event in support of UNICEF's work in favor of displaced children around the world. One hundred percent of all proceeds go directly to UNICEF's refugee relief work, providing nutrition, clothing, shelter, health and immunization, psychosocial support and education to 33 million refugee, displaced and internally displaced children worldwide.

For the month-long event, artists, actors, writers, executives and others from the entertainment industry are invited to join colleagues from around the world in making tax-deductible donations of any amount at

In congratulating the KEPYR community for celebrating its fifth anniversary and for "the incredible work [they] have done on behalf of Unicef ​​and the children of the world," said Michael J. Nyenhuis, President and CEO of 'UNICEF USA, "As a professional in the children's entertainment industry, you understand the importance of putting a smile on a child's face. In these unique times, the millions of children who have been uprooted, driven from their homes by violence or deprivation and forced to make difficult and dangerous overseas journeys, need us now more than ever. Whether these children are migrants, refugees or internally displaced persons, first of all they are all children ".

This year, KEPYR is looking to raise a minimum of $ 50.000 in donations through its planned events. In addition to the Kindred Spirits fundraiser, the organization will host a virtual holiday gala and silent auction online on November 12th. Individuals and businesses are encouraged to donate items, experiences or services for the auction by contacting KEPYR volunteer Dustin Ferrer at dustin.ferrer @

Commenting on KEPYR's growth over the past five years, KEPYR founder Grant Moran said, "Since we started as a small group of friends in 2017, hundreds upon hundreds of people across five continents have reached out to join this movement and continue. how our profile rises. This speaks in a powerful way about who we are as a community and why we do what we do every day. People in children's media care about children They are particularly affected by the suffering of the most vulnerable among them and they want to be part of the solution. "

Since its inception, KEPYR has worked to raise awareness of the global children's media industry about the current refugee child crisis, the worst since World War II. The organization raised nearly $ 200.000 for UNICEF refugee relief work through events such as Kindred Spirits and live events such as the 2019 'Stand Up for Children' comedy show, starring Patton Oswalt and Al Madrigal, conducted by the star of the dubbing Gray Griffin.

The community includes artists, writers, actors, producers, game designers, content developers, authors, composers, agents, network and studio executives and others who work independently and at companies and organizations such as Mattel, Marvel, Disney, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, DreamWorks, Netflix, Amazon, Warner Bros., Hasbro, 9 Story Media Group, Animation Magazine, Blizzard Entertainment, Cyber ​​Group Studios, Scholastic, King Features, Little Airplane, Silvergate Media, Rainshine Entertainment, Big Bad Boo Studios , Boulder Media, WGBH, WNET, Gaumont, Pukeko Pictures, Mechanic Animation, Crunchyroll, Aniplex USA, DR Movie Animation, D-Rights, Panaderia Licensing & Marketing and Ripple Effect Consultancy.

KEPYR, a 501 (c) (3) registered nonprofit, was recognized in 2020 as one of the Greater Sum Foundation's 20 Most Innovative Nonprofits.

Find out more about KEPYR's work and donate to the Kindred Spirits 2021 campaign (launching May 20) on

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Gianluigi Piludu

Author of articles, illustrator and graphic designer of the website