"Batman: Death in the Family" the interactive animated series

"Batman: Death in the Family" the interactive animated series

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has released the opening title sequence of Batman: A death in the family (Batman: Death in the Family) - The company's first adventure in interactive storytelling, allowing fans to choose where the story goes, with innovative remote control navigation. This short film is an adaptation of the 1988 DC Comics event, in which fans voted by phone to determine the end of the story.

The bold and elegant 2D animated opening of the cartoon Batman: A death in the family (Batman: Death in the Family) was designed by the writer / producer / director Brandon Vietti (Batman: Under the Red Hood, Superman/Doomsday) and performed by the supervisor of the technical director Matt Girardi (Harley Quinn, Justice League Dark) and his team at Warner Bros. Animation.

Produced by Warner Bros. Animation and DC Comics, Batman: A death in the family (Batman: Death in the Family) is key to a collection of upcoming cartoons for 2019-2020 included Sgt. RockAdam strangeDeathThe phantom stranger.

The interactive component is only available in the Blu-ray version. The digital version of  Batman: A death in the family (Batman: Death in the Family) offers four fully playable online versions.

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Gianluigi Piludu

Author of articles, illustrator and graphic designer of the website www.cartonionline.com