The sale of the publishers of THQ Nordic and Handy Games is full of offers

The sale of the publishers of THQ Nordic and Handy Games is full of offers

Nordic and practical games THQ kicked off its annual Xbox Publishers Sale this week with incredible savings - up to 80% off - on your entire wallet. The legendary RPG Kingdoms of Amalur: Looking back (50% off), franchise favorites like Dark III (80% discount) e Darksiders: Genesis (70% discount), fun for the whole family like SpongeBob SquarePants Battle for Bikini Bottom (45% off) and instant cult classics like Police Chicken (35%) are just a few on the long list of games included in the sale. Please note that these discounts will only be available to Xbox players for a limited time, just two weeks! Download now until February 7 to take full advantage of this unique opportunity in 2022!

As always, we had a great time browsing our huge catalog with the goal of extending the opportunity to play our best games to an even wider audience of players! Working in reverse chronological order, it started with major 2021 releases such as biomutant (40% discount) e Monster Jam Steel Titans 2 (50% off).

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Gianluigi Piludu

Author of articles, illustrator and graphic designer of the website