Jared and Jerusha Hess discuss the making of the Humanitas-nominated short film “Ninety-Five Senses”

Jared and Jerusha Hess discuss the making of the Humanitas-nominated short film “Ninety-Five Senses”

Film lovers will surely be familiar with the dynamic directing duo Jared and Jerusha Hess, famous for their hilarious live-action comedies such as Napoleon's Dynamite and Nacho Libre. However, this year the duo surprised everyone with their new animated short titled “Ninety-Five Senses,” which pays homage to the five senses of a death row inmate with limited time to live life to the fullest. We had the privilege of interviewing the Hesses about this extraordinary animated project, which is already being considered as a possible contender for the animated Oscars.

Jared and Jerusha Hess told us that “Ninety-Five Senses” is a portrait of the life of a man whose time is up. The short film begins with a series of sensory memories through the five senses, but then takes an unexpected turn. The entire project was born out of a competition in collaboration with MAST, a nonprofit program of the Salt Lake Film Society that supports emerging animators. After selecting six animators for the project, the Hesses brought in screenwriters Chris Bowman and Hubbel Palmer to create a script that highlighted the artists' different visions.

The short film, they point out, was conceived from the beginning to be animated. It was the type of story that could only be told through animation, requiring a variety of different styles to convey the protagonist's emotions. The creation process took around three years and involved around 35 people, including producers, sound engineers and animators. The animation was produced remotely, involving talented artists from different parts of the world, such as Brazil, the United Kingdom, Russia, Mexico and the United States.

Working with this group of international animators, the Hesses comment, was a stimulating experience. They are incredibly talented and dedicated artists, and their work has received much recognition at festivals. Collaboration with Tim Blake Nelson as the voice of the main character, Coy, contributed significantly to the success of the short film.

Despite the logistical and creative challenges encountered during production, “Ninety Five Senses” achieved unexpected success at international festivals, receiving an emotional and enthusiastic response from audiences. The news of being considered for the animated Oscars came as a surprise to everyone, considering the project was funded by a small non-profit organization that depends on donations and local volunteers.

In conclusion, the Hesses note that the short film was an amazing opportunity to showcase the talent of emerging animators and that they are tremendously proud of the final result.

Source: https://www.animationmagazine.net

Gianluigi Piludu

Author of articles, illustrator and graphic designer of the website www.cartonionline.com

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